The Population of British Columbia is 4,063,760 people,the percent of people that are aboriginal are 17% and the total of that is 140,880 people. The nickname of British Columbia is 'Parcific Province'. The capital of British Coluumbia,is victoria. The three major cities in British Columbia are Vancouver,Kelowna and Nanaimo. Ranked 3rd in population Compared to other Canadian provinces. One of the Rivers in British Columbia are Skeenka River. 3 naturnal resources are Forests,Gold and Natural Gas. Production of electricity a 3%hydropower and 7% fuel burning. The two landforms in British Columbia, Are the Western Cordillera And The Interior Plains. The Highest Mountain in British Columbia is Mount Fairweather (4,663m/15,300ft). Types of jobs are Foresty,Construction,Manufacturing,Mining and fishing, Government and Agriculture. Intersting Facts, Polar Bears swim in Vancouver 82 percent uban, 18 percent rural.